Tired of endless fights that continue to destroy the relationship with your MIDDLE SCHOOLER?

Stop walking on eggshells and start connecting

The Reconnect Program is a 6 month transformational group coaching program for moms who are ready to quit walking on eggshells with their middle schooler and evolve their parenting methods

Using consequences won't end the defiance & disrespect..

Truth Bomb: You desperately want a happier, healthier relationship with your teen.

And you’d love to stop doubting yourself as a parent.

But it feels like the more you discipline your middle schooler, the worse they act! And you’re feeling like it may just be like this forever.

You've already tried:

  • Taking away their phone
  • Grounding them for a month
  • Enforcing an early curfew
  • Trying to reason with them

It's frustrating and demoralizing to feel like you've tried (or at least considered) it all, and to be honest you're TIRED and ready for a different way

There is a better way.

Real Talk: Giving harsh consequences to teach your middle schooler "lessons" doesn't EVER work!

You need to dial it back, get clear about your values, and show your middle schooler the respect you want to receive.

For years, I’ve worked with parents who struggle to control their middle schoolers and try to “google” their way out of teen defiance and disrespect…

Which is why I created The Reconnect Program!

I’ve helped 185 (& counting!) moms jump off the hamster wheel of defiance and embrace a peaceful, confident parenting approach that works.

If you’re ready to FINALLY help your middle schooler make better choices, communicate clearly, and create a respectful, enjoyable home, The Reconnect Program was created to get you there!

This isn’t therapy, and it isn’t a course about discipline and won't give you the same cookie-cutter information like google or instagram does. We’re not going to learn how to control your teen either – because here's the facts, you can’t – we’re also not going to focus on fixing your middle schooler's behavior – because that’s up to them.

The Reconnect Program is all about grounding your parenting beliefs, perceptions, and choices in your unique values. It’s about figuring out what matters most and creating your own parenting methods that make the most sense for you & your teen. Not someone else's.

Reconnect IS for you if you are:

  • Ready to take responsibility for your actions

  • Consistent (or want to be!) with your thoughts, words, and actions

  • Committed to making a change

  • Hopeful for the future of your relationship with your middle schooler

Reconnect is NOT for you if you are:

  • Focused on changing your middle schooler's behavior without being willing to change your own

  • Inconsistent in your thoughts, words, and actions

  • Content to let things stay the way they are

  • Not interested in change

ERE's what you'll experience during our TIME together


  • Confidence as a parent that's rooted in your personal values, not in a search engine.

  • Proven strategies to connect with your teen, respond positively, and avoid shouting.

  • Support and encouragement from other moms in the program who understand what you're going through and are just as committed to better parenting and relationships.

  • A safe space to confront your own beliefs and stories about who you are as a parent and how you should show up for your teen.

What Are We Learning in the Reconnect Program?

The unique format of The Reconnect Program is what helps you make significant progress and connect with your middle schooler in a way you haven’t been able to before.

We’ll go over the details of the program in detail when we chat on our call.

But let’s look at a high-level overview of how Reconnect is structured:

Educational Content

12 modules of high-value content to help you dig deeper into the Triple C Method and develop your own approach

small group coaching

We meet biweekly to talk about specific parenting issues, answer your questions, work through challenges, and grow together

Supportive community

Connect with other moms who are on the same page and have the same goals, share strategies, and cheer each other on

Everything included in reconnect is designed to help you:


Build the skills and confidence to stay calm - no matter how your middle schooler reacts - and respond like the parent you want to be.

communicate clearly

No more yelling matches or angry insults. You’ll know how to help your middle schooler hear you, and make it easier for them to share with you, too.


When you’re confident in your parenting skills and grounded in your values, your child will feel safe, seen, and supported… and more responsive


I am 100% committed to helping you improve your relationship with your tween.

But you may still have some concerns. I get it. You’ve tried it all and nothing has helped. You may be feeling helpless or doubtful that this program will be different.

I want you to experience the power of The Reconnect Program – the confidence in your parenting, the certainty of who you are and what you value, and the peaceful, respectful communication with your tween that you deserve.

So I’m making you a promise:

If you enroll in Reconnect, work through all the modules & homework, show up and participate in the group coaching calls, and don’t see improvements in your parenting approach with your tween, I will work with you until you see success.

You really have no reason not to invest in your relationship with your middle schooler

You’re desperate for a solution, because you’re a mom who is SO over:

losing sleep

over your middle schooler's behavior, choices,

and disrespect

reading everything

all the parenting books / searching google

& not seeing any changes

promising yourself

you'll be calm, patient, and kind - only to lose your cool

trying to change

your tween or control them - only to feel like you'll never figure it out

feeling like a bad parent

who is destined to have a 'bad' teen

You CAN have a respectful relationship with your middle schooler!

Once you say yes to evolving your current parenting approach you’ll find yourself…

  • Falling asleep feeling peaceful, and fulfilled in your identity as a parent

  • Enjoying time with your middle schooler instead of avoiding them or constantly arguing

  • Asking the tough questions and helping your tween make good decisions

  • Helping your tween develop the critical life skills and attitudes they need to be a successful adult

Results like these don't happen by accident.

They happen because you commit to being open to change, following the process, and implementing the process.

If you’re ready to find peace in your parenting with your middle schooler, all you have to do is say yes.

We are 100% committed to our clients inside of Reconnect.


And we’ve already helped 185 Moms BUILD A RELATIONSHIP with their middle schooler's over the past 10 years. So we already know exactly what you’re signing up for when you decide to join RECONNECT.  

But we understand that you’re not behind the scenes seeing the wins that we’re seeing every day. So why don’t we bring you behind the scenes?  

You don’t just have to listen to me go on about how incredible the program is.

Instead, you can hear directly from MOMS just like you who’ve experienced these results firsthand.

What other moms have to say

Susan, a parent of five, came to The Reconnect Program as an experienced parent who thought discipline, anger, and frustration were the only ways to get through to her kids.

After implementing the Triple C Method, she realized a whole new world of parenting, and was able to give her middle schooler (and herself) a lot of empathy, patience, and love.

“I'm in awe of how well the Triple C Method works!! It was far above my expectations, and I learned more than I ever realized I would as a parent of 5 kids who has been parenting for many years. I never imagined a method like this could teach me how wrong my approach to parenting using discipline and anger or frustration has been. It has been a long time since I have laughed and cried at what I have done wrong or right as a parent. I realize a whole new world of positive parenting and guiding my teen with options and empathy, using patience and love for my tween as well as myself.”


Jean joined The Reconnect Program because she was frustrated by her teen, her middle schooler was frustrated with her.

Jean learned how to identify her own weaknesses in parenting, and learned the Triple C Method - for communicating better and setting clear boundaries.

"The Triple C Method is a wonderful but easy process. The Method definitely showed me where my weaknesses are and how to change them to invite a more positive response. The constant struggle caused frustration, only to see both of us stressed and frustrated. Definitely worth the time and money to learn how to communicate and listen to your teen while setting clear boundaries.”


There are a lot of "gentle" parenting courses out there.

This isn't one of them.

Using the Triple C Method, you’ll finally become the exact parent you want to be.

Unlike other parenting programs or classes, Reconnect focuses on value-based parenting and evolving your already intact parenting techniques!

Yes, this approach is gentle.

And yes, there’s a lot of compassion.

But “gentle parenting” still focuses on your middle schooler. And the truth is, no matter how kind and understanding you are…

You’re never going to have the relationship you want with your tween until you become the parent you were meant to be

Using the Triple C Method, you’ll have the guidance, support, and education you need to uncover the stories you’ve been telling yourself, the lies you’ve believed, and the core values that you want to live by.

Then – and only then – are you ready to implement the communication and discipline strategies that will help ease your tween's defiance and improve your communication.

Don't spend another minute wishing your middle schooler was more respectful..


Does my tween need to attend also?

No! These biweekly group sessions are just for parents to get the support they need!

Are the biweekly sessions recorded?

Yes, all of our biweekly group sessions are recorded and linked in your personal client portal 48 hours after the group coaching session

What if I have questions or feel stuck?

We have many touchpoints if you are feeling stuck or have questions, One way to gain support is through our private Facebook group. You can ask any questions you may have around your teen's specific behavior and the team will answer within 12 hours of your message.

If you have any technical issues, or payment issues, please email [email protected] and we will get back to you shortly.

What kind of support will there be?

We have many touchpoints if you need support. Our private community group is filled with parents just like you. The group coaching calls will be where you get the chance to have Crystal check in on your progress and go through exactly what you need help with right on the call.

How many hours per week will this take?

That's probably my most asked question, and I totally understand because you are a busy parent, that is why the Reconnect program will take up anywhere from 2-3 hours a week depending on the needs of each person.

What if I am not seeing results?

If you enroll in Reconnect, work through the Triple C Method, show up and participate in the group coaching calls, and don’t see improvements in your parenting skills or relationship with your tween, I work with you for free until you see success.

You really have no reason not to invest into changing your relationship with your tween

Quit wasting time, wishing things will change...

Let's change them now