Release. Reframe. Rebuild.

Real Talk: What does the relationship with your middle-schooler look like at this moment?

We ask tough questions like this so we can provide a no-nonsense, practical parenting approach that works for you.

To My Frustrated, Done-With-The-BS Parents…

Welcome to the corner of the internet where you are given real solutions to get through to your middle schooler. 

Where you can ditch the quick-fix tips and replace them with solid, realistic plans that break up the arguments and encourage sincere communication

A place where you can drift to sleep peacefully knowing your tween is becoming the happy, healthy human they were meant to be

Hey, I'm Crystal!

Therapist and straight to the point parenting coach.

I help parents who have exhausted all their current options with their middle schoolers to stop the fight & start connecting!

I’m not for sugarcoating things (unless it’s a cookie, of course). This work we do is challenging, emotionally charged, and full of nuances. 

Palms starting to sweat? Good! 

It’s also the most rewarding endeavor you’ll ever take on. #pinkypromise.

Looking for a few credentials? I get it. Your family deserves the best.


I have a Master’s in Social Work and became a licensed therapist many moons ago (please don’t try to count them). Since then, I’ve worked with over 180 families to improve their dynamic. 

I also have some personal ‘skin in the game’. I grew up in a difficult family situation filled with trauma.

*Cue the bad mood, emo music and the rebellion* (IYKYK!)

After working with a therapist, I was finally able to heal. 

My life experience has improved in every way and I’ve been able to build a business paying it forward ever since. 

I say all of this so you know - I’ve got the chops to help you as well as the life experience to improve the relationship between you and your middle-schooler. 


Four Secrets To Improving Communication With Your

Middle Schooler

Join me for an in-depth look at how you can break the cycle of conflict keeping you from deepening the connection with your middle schooler

Choose Your Parenting Journey

Depending On Your Individual Needs and Unique Circumstances…

The Parenting Playbook

The ultimate, ready-made playbook to help you navigate your middle schooler's behavior and build a lasting connection.

Bridge the communication gap between the childhood and teen years today!

Stop The Fight Toolbox

The battle-tested program for moms ready to de-escalate arguments, understand their middle schooler's behavior, and build a better relationship through conflict resolution.

Go from frustrated to fulfilled in your relationship.


A 6-month transformational program for parents who want to rebuild a healthy, positive relationship with their middle schooler using their own values & beliefs

This is for parents who are ready to stop walking on eggshells and start genuinely enjoying time with their tween!

The Proof Is In The Pudding!

(the vanilla-CARAMEL swirl kind for me)

Stories From Moms That Are Enjoying Genuine Connection…

Thank you Crystal for your expertise!

When I started working with Crystal, I was completely overwhelmed and felt like I was not equipped to parent. I felt like every negative action/behavior was indicative of my failures as a parent. I still feel that way on really bad sleep-deprived days, but now I have a better understanding of what is in my control and what is not. I feel more relaxed and less tightly wound with parenting things a lot of the time. Crystal has helped me with mindset changes, resets, concrete examples, and ideas for things to do in the moment. I am more in-tune with my child developmentally. Thank you Crystal for your expertise!~ Paula Kempany 

Definitely worth every penny to help yourself and your family.

Crystal provides insight, support, and compassion to parents struggling to connect, listen, laugh, and understand their tweens. Through patience and humor, Crystal finds a way to navigate the intensity of parenting and partnership. Crystal shows you patterns in your behavior, insight into your child, and how to connect with your spouse. If you want to feel more calm, more connected to your family, and more centered within yourself, Crystal is the coach for you. Her accessibility, gentle guidance, and support are wrapped in understanding, and care. Definitely worth every penny to help yourself and your family. ~ Susan Miller

She gave me the tools to handle conflict with my teenager, and now we are closer than ever.

I'm not someone to really leave feedback or anything, but I had such a good experience with Crystal that I kind of feel I have to. She was amazing for me and my daughter. I'm going through a divorce and I didn't really realize how much that was affecting me or my son. But the anger and issues my ex and I have was making its way into all of my life--work, family, self--all of it. Crystal was able to help me manage my emotions better. She's really smart but also down to earth and caring. She gave me the tools to handle conflict with my teenager, and now we are closer than ever. Thanks again, Crystal!! ~ Stephanie Manhart


Follow along on Instagram @CRYSTALTDOESTHERAPY for daily inspiration and tips on building a solid relationship with your tweenager. When you follow, you’ll also get a peek into my personal life (HELLOOO fajitas, my precious goldendoodle, my hot husband, my obsession with fancy sparkling water and all things outdoors/nature)!


Follow along on Instagram @CRYSTALTDOESTHERAPY for daily inspiration and tips on building a solid relationship with your middle schooler. When you follow, you’ll also get a peek into my personal life (HELLOOO fajitas, my precious goldendoodle, my hot husband, my obsession with fancy sparkling water and all things outdoors/nature)!

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